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The Adweek Copywriting Handbook 1 Minute Training

Refresh your memory with this free 1-minute micro-course on copywriting based on the most popular book of the domain by Joseph Sugarman.

The Adweek Copywriting Handbook 1 Minute Training

  The Adweek Copywriting Handbook Axioms are listed below, but can you recall them? Take a free 1-minute quiz to make sure.

1. Copywriting is a mental process the successful execution of which reflects the sum total of all your experiences, your specific knowledge and your ability to mentally process that information and transfer it onto a sheet of paper for the purpose of selling a product or service.

2. All the elements in an advertisement are primarily designed to do one thing and one thing only: get you to read the first sentence of the copy.

3. The sole purpose of the first sentence in an advertisement is to get you to read the second sentence.

4. Your ad layout and the first few paragraphs of your ad must create the buying environment most conducive to the sale of your product or service.

5. Get the reader to say yes and harmonize with your accurate and truthful statements while reading your copy.

6. Your readers should be so compelled to read your copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slippery slide.

7. When trying to solve problems, don’t assume constraints that aren’t really there.

8. Keep the copy interesting and the reader interested through the power of curiosity.

9. Never sell a product or service, always sell a concept.

10. The incubation process is the power of your subconscious mind to use all your knowledge and experiences to solve a specific problem, and its efficiency is dictated by time, creative orientation, environment and ego.

11. Copy should be long enough to cause the reader to take the action you request.

12. Every communication should be a personal one, from the writer to the recipient, regardless of the medium used.

13. The ideas presented in your copy should flow in a logical fashion, anticipating your prospect’s questions and answering them as if the questions were asked face-to-face.

14. In the editing process, you refine your copy to express exactly what you want to express with the fewest words.

15. Selling a cure is a lot easier than selling a preventive, unless the preventive is perceived as a cure or the curative aspects of the preventive are emphasized.

  Now make sure you remember what you have learned above by taking Free 1-Minute Copywriting Micro-Training Quiz generated from above text.

  QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance. Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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? Free Adweek Copywriting Handbook Micro-Training Quiz


Cynefin Framework - Making The Best Decision In These 5 Contexts

In 1999 at IBM, Dave Snowden describes a set of 5 effective approaches guiding managers through complicated, complex, chaotic, or disorderly situations.

Cynefin Framework - Making The Best Decision In These 5 Contexts

In 1999 at IBM, Dave Snowden describes a set of 5 effective approaches guiding managers through complicated, complex, chaotic, or disorderly situations.

Snowden splits situations according to their novelty in the context of existing experience. The description of the tool below will improve your ability to respond optimally if you correctly categorize the decision circumstance. The situation domains are:


All decisions start here. First, our current case is categorized into one of the domains below to continue decision making.


These are well-known cases, commonly dealt with problems with established and reliable standards and best practices. Snowden advises here to establish the facts (sense), select proper procedure (categorize), and then respond.


These are understood cases with some precedents, but no standard practice. There is a range of possible answers. Instead of categorizing, we perform analysis.


These are unprecedented cases. Cause and effect relationship is derived and exploited in retrospect. The framework suggests probing the environment with low-cost experiments before taking expensive actions.


These are unstable, ever different situations. Cause and effect relationship is not knowable due to constant drift of the environment. We quickly take action to leave this domain. While dangerous long term, the chaos may give birth to beneficial novel ideas and practices.

Now make sure you remember what you have learned above by taking a Cynefin micro-training quiz

QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance.

Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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Methods of Radiology micro-training for beginners

Methods of Radiology micro-training for beginners

Do you know methods of radiology well? Take methods of radiology quiz which semi-automatically generated.

QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance.

Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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Shale Oil micro-training that checks you know your basics

Shale Oil micro-training that checks you know your basics

Do you know shale oil well? Take a shale oil quiz generated from Wikipedia summary. Shale oil is

QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance.

Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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Python micro-training that checks you know your basics

Python micro-training that checks you know your basics

Do you know Python language well? Take a Python quiz generated from Wikipedia summary about the language.

QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance.

Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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Passive Nuclear Safety micro-training for beginners

Passive Nuclear Safety micro-training for beginners

Do you know passive nuclear safety well? Take passive nuclear safety quiz generated from Wikipedia summary.

QuizRecall can be used to generate training quizzes for purposes of onboarding new employees and developing their knowledge. At the same time, it can also be a tool for individual adaptive self-study as an autodidactic appliance.

Get your piece of the future of training at QuizRecall.com.

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